You often sighs when I complain about my job with my tears.  I don't get you, and you don't get me as well.  You always think do everything with best and don't care about what people think of you.  I can't think that way becasue I care about how people look at me. 
today my supervisor talked to us again.  She wanted me to find my problems of teaching, and improve myself, to let most of students speak English properly and love English.  She pointed that one of my class, the reception class, are bad at speaking, mainly most of them are bad.   And another middle class is a little bit better.  I don't understand.  I don't want to admit i commit that error... well, i see it a kind of big error.   Parents complained about ss' low ability of English, but not my kids' parents...    It sounds like my ss are very weak of reading and speaking, but it doesn't look so bad when I asked their mother teachers.  Are you on purpose?  You make me feel down because I refused to take more classes set at night?  You also complained to my sponsors and they are very nervous;  I was compeletely upset as I never have had the feeling: I am a bad teacher.   I do more, and i feel worse.  John is right, be myself, try my best, and shut up.

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