When sun rises,

It’s just so simple and natural for you to showcase your hug, with still eye-contact and serious face,

saying: Saiyonara.

I caught it and put it in the deep box of my heart at that moment, but i didn’t realize i’ve taken in your hug and tried to spread it to the next who might need it too.

Until I met her, A girl whose name is unknown.

We were both lying on the bed for four days  in the same room.  And most of time all we can do is lying there like a disable.

Our daily activity are somehow not the same.  I read and eat as well as tried my best to take a walk for recovering; she just lying there with bare motion.  On the other hand she has to focus on what she’s fighting for : Thrid Period of The Cancer.

We rarely talked except one situation, i need to  change the degree of AC on the third day.  I had to” knock “ the curtain of hers and asked her if i may turn AC on which it attached on her wall,  and tha't’s how we started talk.

After 6th time of 化療,She will be cured by 電療。What the hell is that?  Does that mean, the situation might be out of our control? With puzzling eyes, I looked at her while she responsed. 

The fourth day, I am noticed to leave the room, my bed, 083. I had a plan, walking near 081 and gave her a hug before i left.

A hug that never change anything but somehow it definately showcase the warmth from me.

A hug I caught from you and now I decide to deliver it to a person who is disappointed with her life.

A hug might be useful to wake sb up.  cheer sb up.

A hug seems the best medicine for her.

I ran this idea more than hundreds of times, and guess what? it’s like there is 1000 kg iron tied together and sb threw it to my hand, causing my hand abruptly hardly lift or wave.  On no, a hug became my nightmare !! I just can’trun my plan~~

To give and to receive are very different, now i know. 

In the end, before stepping out of the room, I remove 800 kg iron and make a fist for her:

「加油」 !! I spoke, with still eye-contact, well, I’ve done my best.

I felt she caught it.  I felt her tears are almost out—probably it’s nothing but my delusion.  I really want to stand closer.. but im lessbrave. . .

God,  please spill more sunshine on her. 


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